Peter Renzelman
Associate Board Member
Peter lives in Alstead and grew up on a family-run dairy farm. However, as his interests leaned more towards the woods than the field, he chose to study forestry at UNH, graduating with an AAS from the Thompson School of Applied Science and a BS from UNH’s forestry school.
Peter worked for fifteen years as logger, forester, and company president for Tree Growers, Inc., a private tree farm company. In 1988 he started his own company, offering forest management services and logging to private woodlot owners.
In reflecting upon his schooling and all that has evolved in the world of forest management since, Peter is astounded at how much has changed. In his initial training, the emphasis focused strictly on timber growth and management. Through his association with UNH Cooperative Extension , NRCS, and by participating regularly in professional development workshops, Peter has developed a deeper appreciation for the complexity, vulnerability, and importance of soils, wildlife, and water in forest management. He strives always to consider these vital aspects of forest life in his approach to managing forested land.
When not in the woods, Peter enjoys gardening, cooking, making apple cider, and trying to figure out what that bird is.