Holly & Chris Gowdy
Associate Board Members
Chris and Holly Gowdy are first generation farmers. Both exposed to agriculture when they were youngsters, their families recognized their passion for animals and farming and enabled both of them to follow this as a career path. Holly majored in Animal Science at NC State, and Chris went to school at SUNY Cobleskill, his family has long ties to Cheshire County, and so once they were married they set off to find workable farm land in the Monadnock Region of NH. They moved to Walpole in 1995, their plan was to raise and sell locally grown beef. Over about ten years this plan evolved, both worked jobs off of their farm, they began total grass fed production and became certified organic, eventually they learned about Organic Valley, and so they sold off their beef cattle and with the support of friends and family, they began to build a small dairy. In 2010 they became members of CROPP Cooperative, and started shipping milk through Organic Valley to Stonyfield Yogurt. In this time frame they grew their own family, two boys. They currently have about 200 acres of hay/forage and pastureland in organic production. They still sell small amounts of their own grass fed meats directly from their farmstead, Brookfield Farm.