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Farm Equipment Rentals
The Cheshire County Conservation District provides low-cost farm equipment rentals each year in and around Cheshire County. This is a valuable cost-saving service to local growers that supports the CCCD's mission of improving soil quality and management through the conservation and responsible use of natural and agricultural resources.
The District's current suite of farm rental equipment is listed below. Each section provides the rental rate, a link to the Equipment Rental Agreement, and a short description.
To make a rental reservation contact 603-756-2988 ext. 4 or

We ask that all farmers clean rented equipment of any materials, remove mud from disks, wash equipment, and wax prior to returning the equipment. Equipment that is not returned based on this requirement, is subject to an $100 cleaning fee.
Esch 5607 7' No-Till Drill
$15/ac for first 10ac, $10/ac after that
Minimum payment of $125/use
7 FT Drill, New Technology High Speed Drill 8mph, With 5.5" spacing this drill produces stands that yield.
​Adjust coulter depth easily on main cylinders. Convenient seed depth control on the press wheel's. Stay informed with the seed level gauge. Simplify planting for unmatched precision.

Esch 12' No-Till Drill
$15/acre for the first 10 acres, $10/ac after that
Minimum payment of $125/use
The Esch 12' No-Till Drill features seed metering and a variable speed transmission for easy adjustment for different seeds. Easy field operation only requires two hydraulic remotes. Additional features include easy seed depth control and a seed level gauge for easy viewing of seed level during operation. Requires no less than 110 HP Tractor with hydraulics. A 3/4 ton or larger truck equipped with a double tongue hitch is required for transport. Its swing tongue hitch allows for an 8'10" travel width.

Roller Crimper
Free to Use
Roller Crimper Rental Agreement
This is a great implement to knock down cover crop stands for later No-Till cropping. The knock down acts as an excellent organic mulch feeding the soil and decreasing the need for herbicides. The Cover Crop Roller mounts to the front, or back, of the tractor with a Three Point Hitch, leaving room for the seeder at the back. This means you can knock down weed suppressing mats of cover crops and plant through it all in the same pass! The Roller Crimper weighs 1400lbs empty and 2000lbs filled with water. It will take 70 gallons to fill it. The roller crimper fits a standard Category I or II three point hitch and can be towed with a 45 HP tractor.

Wood Ash/Lime Spreader
$125/use and $4/ton of material spread
VIDEO: Spreader Setup and Operation Tips
Meeting soil pH needs can be challenging. The availability of the Stoltzfus Woodash /Lime Spreader will give farmers more flexibility. Stockpile Woodash or Lime in the off season and rent the spreader as needed. It allows versatility in meeting your soil nutrient needs. The Stoltzfus has a 5 ton capacity and is equipped with a PTO driven bed chain and rear spinners. Requires 65+ HP Tractor.
Aerway Aerator
Let our Aerway help you battle your soil compaction issues! The 7.5 cultivation width is versatile and used to open up compacted areas in pasture or field. A great implement to help incorporate manure into the soil before nitrogen is lost. It is equipped with a wheel kit for easy towing to fields within 25 miles. Requires a 45-75 HP tractor with hydraulics. Hitch is a straight drawbar pin.

Soil Steamer
$100/high tunnel or $100/day for any other use
Data Collection Sheet for Soil Steamer Rental
Soil steaming on farms is an emerging technology that is being utilized to manage disease, weeds, and pests in high tunnels. The CCCD now offers the rental of their Sioux Model SF-20 Soil Steamer to local fruit and vegetable growers starting in 2021. The Sioux Steam-Flo® steam generator is a perfect source of low-pressure steam for a variety of weed and disease management, container sterilization, and pollinator site preparation. These industrial steam generators produce from 370-3,450 lbs. (168-1,564 kg) per hour of saturated steam in minutes. Soil Steamer transport includes a trailer and requires a 2 and 5/16 ball hitch for towing. Once set up on site you will need access to a course of water and electricity.
Soil Steamer Guidance Document
VIDEO: Soil Steamer at Picadilly Farm
VIDEO: Soil Steamer Virtual Workshop (3/17/21)

No-Till Vegetable Transplanter
Free for first use. $12/acre each additional use.
This tow behind waterwheel transplanter is available for vegetable producers interested in trying no-till. The no-till waterwheel transplanter is a trailer hitch mounted transplanter that uses a spiked wheel filled with water to create a hole for placing plants. Riders on the transplanter tuck plants into the hole. This planter uses hydraulically controlled coulters that allow no-till planting into bare soil or terminated cover crops. The transplanter requires a 30 hp tractor and a hydraulic remote. It’s manufactured by Shirk Manufacturing in Pennsylvania.

BCS Walk-Behind Tractor
***Only those who have attended a BCS Tractor Training are eligible to rent.
The model 749 BCS Tractor utilizes three forward & three reverse working speeds, as well as individual wheel brakes, for increased maneuverability. Available soil health implements for this BCS Tractor include: 26” flail mower and 30” roller-crimper for mowing over or rolling down cover crops, a 30” power harrow for seedbed prep and tillage/weed control, a 30” drop seeder for seeding lawns, cover crops or full-width dense seeding operations, a disk harrow for seeding, leveling soil or light weed control, a rotary spreader for spreading wood ash, lime, and other soil amendments, and a rotary plow for breaking new ground and building raised beds. Rentals are provided with the use of the CCCD utility trailer.

Free to Use
Versatile single shank sub-soiler allows for mobility in tight spots. A great implement to break up soil compaction due to site work prior to High Tunnel construction. This Sub-Soiler has a sixteen inch working depth to break up the hard layer preventing good root development and water absorption. 20-35 HP Tractor required. Weight: 138 lbs.

Free to Use
The Penetrometer is a great tool to use when determining whether you have a soil compaction problem. Easy to read - you will know in a matter of seconds if there is a problem and to what degree. Available for your use free of charge.

Onion Topper
$40/use including the first pallet, roughly 1000lb. $10/pallet for each additional pallet​
When you rent the Onion Topper, the equipment will be used at Picadilly Farm - 264 S. Parish Rd. Winchester, NH.
Looking for more equipment?
Feedback from farmers helps inform our equipment acquisitions! If you have ideas on more equipment that the Conservation District should make available, we'd love to hear from you!
Call us at 603-756-2988 ext. 4 or email

You can also check out the Small and Beginner Farmers of NH Equipment list